Your First Visit
You are welcome here! Whether you are a long time Island resident, just visiting the Island, an out of town UU, or someone seeking a church community – you are welcome at this congregation. We are community of individuals with diverse backgrounds.
Members of the congregation include humanists, agnostics, atheists, theists, Buddhists, Christians, and celebrators of earth based religions. All are welcome here.
Click here for more information on Visiting UUSMV/Path to Membership

Universal Justice
See how we live our mission and principles through community and justice actions… More information here: Universal Justice

At UUSMV we strive to establish a sense of community by respecting the democratic process in all major decisions. We also offer a lively social hour following every service, and hold pot luck lunches and suppers several times a year. We offer Bingo, both in person and on Zoom, several times a year, yard clean-up parties, and other social events.
Of course participating on established and ad hoc committees is an excellent way for parishioners to get to know each other better. For example, the church has held an online auction and musical concerts as fund-raising endeavors for the past several years.
Project Connect led by Emily Solarazza brings groups of six or so together weekly for six weeks to share with each other and work on a limited project together. These groups meet both in person and on Zoom and have been very successful.
Men’s Alliance
The Men’s Group meets bi-weekly to form connections and offers hospitality support for our services once a month.
Sewcial Action Knitwork
The Sewcial Action Knitwork is a group of dedicated women who meet monthly to create beautiful quilts, quilted pillows, and carry bags, which are given to congregants who are going through an illness, hospitalization, or other difficult time. The group also donates quilts and other items to Hospice for their annual auction and the Red Stocking Fund at Christmas time.
Community Outreach
Members of UUSMV participate in and raise money for the MV Crop Walk for Hunger, the Family to Family fund drive to provide Thanksgiving dinners to needy on-island families, and the Red Stocking Fund which provides Christmas gifts to needy island families. Several times a year we donate a Sunday offering to a worthy cause that has been suggested by a congregant and voted on by a small committee. In 2024 we participated with other churches in organizing and hosting postcard parties to encourage voters in swing states to vote in the presidential election. Many of our members wrote many postcards!