Individualism in Community with Reverend Roberta Finkelstein
As we Unitarian Universalists engage in deep conversations about the core of our faith, one of the issues that keeps coming up is the need to re-examine our understanding of individualism and its place in our communities of faith. Rev. Roberta will explore some of the history of those ideas, and will bring in some of her learnings from General Assembly about the potential revisions to Article II of the UUA By-Laws (AKA the Principles and Purposes).
UU ministry is a second career for Rev. Roberta Finkelstein. She also has two degrees in nursing, a field where her special concentration was midwifery. She worked with high-risk pregnancies among adolescents in Washington, D.C. As a minister she has served several congregations as their settled minister and also seven congregations in transition. She is an accredited interim minister and has written extensively on transitional ministry. She and her husband, Barry, now doting grandparents, have been pledging Friends of UUSMV for many years.
View the Order of Service here: UUSMV OOS for August 20, 2023