Why the Buddha sat under the Bodhi Tree
Dear Friends,
When I was on island in April, many of us spent Earth Day taking a meditative nature walk at Polly Hill Arboretum. At one point during the walk, I found myself drawn to sit and meditate beneath one of the arboretum’s great cypress trees. I recalled one of my favorite Wendell Berry poems:
I go among trees and sit still.
All my stirring becomes quiet
Around me like circles on water.
My tasks lie in their places
Where I left them, asleep like cattle…
Then what I am afraid of comes.
I live for a while in its sight.
What I fear in it leaves it,
And the fear of it leaves me.
It sings, and I hear its song.
Sunday’s sermon, Why the Buddha Sat Beneath the Bodhi Tree, reflects on the connection between the Earth and our own spiritual growth and enlightenment. The order of service is attached.
Though Sunday’s sermon stands on its own, it was conceived as a companion to my sermon from two weeks ago, Why is the Buddha Crying? If you like, you may watch that sermon here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoBpsauRf9U
Please join us in person or online this Sunday at 11:00 am. If you are joining in person, please be aware that masks are required while in the chapel. Worship leaders will be removing their masks while speaking and singing.
For those attending by Zoom, you may join the service virtually by clicking on the Zoom link, or copying and pasting it into your browser. You and anyone you invite can also join the service by going to our website and clicking on the button: “In Person and Virtual Sunday Services 11:00 am.”
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Rev. Rob Hardies
Consulting Minister