Speaker: Rev. Vicky Hanjian

“Order, Disorder, and Reorder” with Rev. Vicky Hanjian

As our nation approaches an election with extremely different candidates, as events in the Mediterranean and Ukraine threaten world stability, and as our beloved UUSMV suddenly finds itself without a minister, this is a time of heightened anxiety.  Rev. Vicki Hanjian is a known quantity for us,  having been a frequent  visitor to our Sunday … Continue reading “Order, Disorder, and Reorder” with Rev. Vicky Hanjian

“The Stories We Hear -The Stories We Tell” with Rev. Vicky Hanjian

Human beings are storytellers by nature, but we are not always mindful of what we are saying when we are telling a story; not always mindful that there are details we do not know that affect the truth and, quite possibly, the outcome of our stories.  This Sunday’s sermon will explore how we might be … Continue reading “The Stories We Hear -The Stories We Tell” with Rev. Vicky Hanjian

“Thoughts on Transformation” with Rev. Vicky Hanjian

The intense years of  Covid precipitated profound  changes and transitions that have resulted in the impulse toward transformation.  Some of these changes have been subtle.  Others have been life jarring.   Some of them happened quickly.  Others have been slower in the manifestation of their effects. … but whatever the case, the changes of the … Continue reading “Thoughts on Transformation” with Rev. Vicky Hanjian

Summer Wisdom

Our Pastoral Care Minister will be preaching, bringing her words of summer wisdom to us from the pulpit.