Speaker: Reverend Rob Hardies

“To the End of the World…and Back Again”  with Rev. Rob Hardies

“To the End of the World…and Back Again”  with Rev. Rob Hardies Our former minister Rev. Rob Hardies joins us for two Sundays in July. Recently returned from a pilgrimage to a place that some ancient peoples believed to be the end of the world, Rob will reflect on what it means for each of … Continue reading “To the End of the World…and Back Again”  with Rev. Rob Hardies

“Who’s the Boss? A Meditation on Freedom and Love” with Rev. Rob Hardies

Having just celebrated Independence Day, let’s reflect together on the meaning of freedom in a more personal and spiritual sense. Maybe freedom is about more than what we learned in our civics textbooks. The Rev. Rob Hardies is Lead Minister of the First Parish in Cambridge, MA. He has for many summers been a guest … Continue reading “Who’s the Boss? A Meditation on Freedom and Love” with Rev. Rob Hardies

Annual Candlelight Service

4:30 and 6:30 pm in the chapel! 6:30 pm service also available on Zoom. No Sunday morning service this Sunday. Join us as we return to Stevens Chapel for this beloved UUSMV tradition. Because of COVID capacity limits, registration is required for attendance. Please email office administrator Ann Cilfone at uu.society.mv@gmail.com to reserve your seat. … Continue reading Annual Candlelight Service

One World at a Time

It is thought that the border between the living and the dead is most permeable in the days surrounding the Christian feasts of All Saints and All Souls, and the Latin American celebration of the Day of the Dead. This All Souls Sunday we will host a special service honoring those in our community who have died in the last year, and also ask how the conscious awareness of our death can help us live better lives.

The Year of Living Covenantally

Someone recently observed of Americans that “we live in a culture where everything is permitted and nothing is forgiven.” A culture that simultaneously tolerates outrageous and unethical behavior, while also “cancelling” people and “calling them out.” The religious practice of covenantal living, a practice at the heart of our UU faith, offers another vision of what human community can be.

Call and Response

If we are patient, we can discern a rhythm to the world. A cadence, if you will. A pattern of life calling to life. Of life responding to life. How is life calling to you? How will you respond?