Visiting UUSMV & Path to Membership
What should I wear?
Like the Island, UUSMV is relaxed and has a relaxed attitude towards attire. Here you will find people who “dress” for church and many who are wearing casual clothing.
When should I arrive?
Sunday services start at 10:00am. It is best to arrive 10-15 minutes before service.
Where do I park and enter the church?
We do not have a parking lot. You may park on the Chapel side of the street. You may enter through our double red doors or use the ramp to the left of the entrance which will also take you to our chapel foyer.
What happens after I walk in?
A greeter will welcome you and give you an order of service. They will direct you to the Welcome Table where you can get a name tag and will be asked if you would like to receive our email that goes out every Friday. There is a pamphlet rack behind the Welcome Table with information about this congregation as well as the Unitarian Universalist faith.
What are services like?
You may sit anywhere you like in the worship space. Towards the beginning of the service, one of the worship leaders will ask if anyone is a visitor. If you are comfortable, you may choose to stand and give your name and where you are from. The service normally consists of opening words, a couple hymns, some instrumental music, one or two readings, a sermon, and an offering. After services in bad weather we gather in the back of the chapel for a social time and partaking of refreshments. In warm weather, our social hour is held outside on the lawn.
What about my children?
We currently do not offer a religious education program, but your children are very welcome to attend services with you. For young children, there is a rug and some child-friendly supplies available in the back of the chapel.
Will someone try to pressure me to join or convert?
While Unitarians Universalists are very open to others joining our faith and congregation, you will not be pressured to join. We will be welcoming and invite you to join in with some of our activities and we will introduce you to others. We hope that you will feel comfortable here and we know that the process and decision to join a congregation takes time.
The Path to Membership
You are welcome to participate in nearly all activities of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Martha’s Vineyard (UUSMV) without becoming a member. Membership entitles you to hold some officer positions and to vote at our annual meeting and other congregational meetings that might be called. Before making that decision, you will hopefully attend services regularly, get to know people, volunteer to help out in some way, attend social events, and perhaps join a committee or task force.
You make your decision
We are currently a lay-led congregation. When you decide to become a member, you are also making the commitment to take part in our shared ministry with your time, talents, and financial support and to honor church policies including our Covenant of Right Relations.
Financial Support
Because consistent financial support is essential to making our society’s vision a reality, every member and active friend is asked to share in that stewardship by making an annual pledge. Members who make a financial pledge have the privilege of participating in the governance of the Society and can vote in congregational meetings that choose officers, alter the bylaws, and decide on important issues and large expenditures. The financial pledge may be substituted with a service commitment if you are experiencing financial hardship.
You sign the Book
In a small ceremony with a few members or in a festive Sunday Membership service the congregation welcomes you as a Member. You formally sign the Membership Book, receive a welcoming packet, and get handshakes and hugs from the congregation.